The Rose


I’m about to turn a second page in my life, as I’ve been through quite the fearsome experiences in recent years, unveiling the utmost beauty of my inner being while exposing the cruelty of the human attitude in this lifetime.

The whole world economy is based on cruelty and sadism, hurting people for not doing someone else’s bidding, rather than bringing everyone’s deep soul to the surface into a lifetime of not abusing but sharing one another’s free will.

What is this loveless place in humanity? It is void of dignity or self-respect and requires care for one another. I am sometimes still considering giving up as I lived a beautiful life, fulfilled and caring, but I cannot bear the cruelty of humanity, not only my own victimization by others. For despite all the beauty revealed to me by the inner masters, I have been severely used up by the death-bringing betrayal by others whose bidding I did not do but rather for whom I cared a lot during this incarnation.

What have I done? I’ve called to God like Job, for worldly answers simply don’t cut it, and I’m innocent like Job and no one understands but He, HaShem, as well as Master Saint Germain. What can I do, I’ve been bereft and asking Master Saint Germain for restoration. I’ve become a Jew from it, not the answer but the result.

Please ask the boy.

He was holding a bunch of cut flowers, winding up a nice purchase for the customer in front of him. The boy was tall, a slender blond Germanic young man, present with the customer, and I ignored his handsome appearance. His attention was bound.

An older woman, maybe a few years older than me in her mid-fifties or so, looked at me. She was preparing flowers to sell and approached me to sell me something. When I saw that her face was uneven, I was startled by seeing something that scared me. Her face’s right side was frozen. She must have had a stroke. Saint Germain asking on my behalf is freeing me.

You must talk to the boy, Master Saint Germain made sure I followed his instructions as she nodded toward me to take my request. I didn’t know what to do and uneasily, for I had done it falsely too many times in this lifetime, kept my attention on her son.

“Sie moechten mit Ihm sprechen? You want to talk to him?” I’ve had female friends who were mothers get angry at me during my youth for my quality of bonding with their sweetheart babies. But she was extremely sweet about it, there was no crucial judgment in my attention on her beautiful young man, in fact, she appeared to understand the situation and deeply honor her boy. It was as if she was offering me the treat. He was handsome and beautifully masculine in his vulnerable radiant youth.

Surprised by her wisdom, I looked at the young man through her eyes.

“Haben Sie etwas verschnitten das Sie nicht nach Hause nehme wollen? Have you accidentally made cuts you don’t want to take home?”

“Da muessen Sie meine Mutter fragen. Please ask my mother about this.” I was happy.

She took her time. Her mouth wasn’t moving on the right side, as she took a freshly cut rose that was red. The red rose was enough. But she took more and more go inward I am going out with her said Saint Germain, and his warm heartfelt presence increased. As she tied the bundle of greenery with gorgeous various flowers with a thread, she added more care, if I wanted paper. Either way. “If you’re going to carry them with you before being able to put them into a vase, it’s better to wrap some paper around them.” And she wrapped my beautiful flowers.

You go on, I’m staying, Master Saint Germain said as I observed him helping the woman with her son. I took my flowers and was happy.



Nora Hoffmann

I'm a philosopher and writer on alchemy guided by Master Saint Germain and a channel for Masters of High Alchemy. I study internally.