Nora Hoffmann www.AmericanAlchemyInstitute.comNo Peace. Ain shalom po. און שלום פהI’m upset. I am friends with the owner. When I had good money, I used to come here daily. I paid high prices.Oct 7, 2022Oct 7, 2022
Nora Hoffmann www.AmericanAlchemyInstitute.comPeace is — Guarding Money — אני שומרת את הקסף שלי I Am Protecting My MoneyAfter having been takenSep 29, 2022Sep 29, 2022
Nora Hoffmann www.AmericanAlchemyInstitute.comDesert — מושה, זה נורה במדבר Moshe: Nora in the DesertMoshe makes me laugh. At first he said it was not customary to experience a convert. “We don’t have converts.” I’m not sure how come we are…Oct 7, 2022Oct 7, 2022