בחינם — How I got to Go on a Road Trip from what Pat and Quigley Afforded me


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How I got to go on a road trip from what Pat and Quigley afforded me

I had nothing left but my vehicle and my inner guidance. I still don’t know if I will survive the reaper’s great stalwart plan.

On my birthday of the previous year my previous colleagues — who would have created nothing online without my guiding the project with the help of Master Saint Germain — decided to find an excuse. They forced me out of our at that point eventually lucrative and welcoming online hypnotherapy delivery business I had initiated.

I never trusted Quigley. Neither did anyone else. But I trusted Patricia Haggard who during the years when she sorely needed someone to spearhead the technical aspect of online delivery of heartfelt emotionally rich content not only relied on me but also spoke of me in the finest tints. (I have proof.)

In 2018 I needed to travel to India. My teacher training through David Quigley of the Alchemy Institute wasn’t complete. So I nudged Patricia of Bridges Academy to let him come with me to India via online delivery of his Alchemical Hypnotherapy Certification program. “No, he won’t do it! We’ve been talking about it for ten years. He says there is no money in it.”

Pat meant to support various teachers instead of Master Quigley as she had grown leery of his integrity. She had left the Alchemy Institute as main administrator / co-director in a huff in November 2017 to found her own online holistic healing arts training delivery platform and came to me about helping her with her new school’s hypnotherapy program, so that I would teach it once I was authorized as a trainer of Alchemical Hypnotherapy Certification programs by David Quigley.

I said “I’ll take him online. I’ll work out the online component. We share our online income three ways. I won’t ask any of the local portion. You two keep the local portion.” All three of us agreed. As you can foresee the future, a verbal contract was enough.

When they eventually turned against me as if they could finagle their way out of our partnership, due to her handling the money she was able to pretend she was the boss, my best and very honest friend who’d been doing Patricia’s social media left them for good. Patricia pretended it was my fault, and distributed my good-paying share of our online business between them for decades to come.

My best and very honest friend did leave them together with me when they forced me. However, not too much later, another problem, his landlady got upset, unexpectedly for me, freeing me, however. Her dog had been biting people successfully without reprimand from above due to her status as necessary-to-be-appeased by her community of tenants. Having returned from India after traveling there for a long time and wanting to return when covid regulations will be eased, even in addition to this now no longer able to pay for a place, I had docked at my friend’s place regularly. But I really didn’t want to deal with the dog biting everyone.

My best friend decided to placate his landlady by asking me to go and no more return. One of her sweet-to-humans dogs mentioned to me: They’re worried that you’re gonna call the police.

This was after he had pulled me through the winter and the darkest despair of my life. Having no money, I couldn’t eat. I could not help but think about Patricia. Clearly, now that she had acquired everything from me that was necessary to run David Quigley’s Alchemical Hypnotherapy training delivery online successfully through my sincere efforts, she didn’t want me to eat. From 130 sweet pounds I went down alone to 110. I didn’t know if I could survive.

She had taken me entirely by surprise. Stabbed in the back. No more income for me and severely broken trust. She withheld and redistributed my handsome share of our business between herself and David Quigley, claiming to everyone to not have had significant help from me. Did anyone want me to live? My organs were shot from survival fear and the anger and horror of betrayal. My sincerity was abused. I had trusted her. She had acted as of she was a friend. It is the Settler Colonialism mindset in American society.

My friend insisted I eat. He cooked and had a bed for me — during the most dangerous time of my life. I’m yet alive.​

I must have gotten better. Because now God or whoever the deity in charge of my life sent me on Her way.



Nora Hoffmann www.AmericanAlchemyInstitute.com
Nora Hoffmann www.AmericanAlchemyInstitute.com

Written by Nora Hoffmann www.AmericanAlchemyInstitute.com

I'm a philosopher and writer on alchemy guided by Master Saint Germain and a channel for Masters of High Alchemy. I study internally.

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